I. ˈbərsə noun
( plural bursas -səz ; or bur·sae -ˌsē, -ˌsī)
Etymology: New Latin, from Medieval Latin bursa bag, purse — more at purse
1. : a pouch-shaped bodily cavity : sac: as
a. : any of the small serous sacs enclosing viscid fluid and being interposed between moving parts (as tendons and bony prominences) where they lessen friction effects
b. : bursa copulatrix
2. : a residence hall for students at a medieval university
II. (ˈ)bu̇r|sä, ˈbu̇rsə adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Bursa, Turkey
: of or from the city of Bursa, Turkey : of the kind or style prevalent in Bursa