-kshən noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English deduccion, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French deduction, from Latin deduction-, deductio, from deductus (past participle of deducere ) + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : an act or process of deducting or deducing: as
a. : an act of taking away : diminution , subtraction
deduction of all legitimate business expenses
b. : the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning : inference from evidence ; specifically logic : inference in which the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises — contrasted with induction ; compare transformation rule
c. archaic : the leading or sending forth of a colony : establishment of a colony
2. : a product or result of deducting or deducing: as
a. : a conclusion reached by mental deduction : inference
his behavior confirmed my deductions about his upbringing
b. : something that is or may be subtracted
business expenses are proper deductions from one's taxable income
: abatement
c. archaic : an orderly or chronological account