I. ˈdau̇nwə(r)d adverb
also down·wards -dz
Etymology: downward from Middle English dounward, from doun down + -ward; downwards from Middle English dounwardes, from dounward + -es (adverbially functioning gen. singular ending of nouns) — more at down , -s
1. : from a higher place to a lower : in a descending course
looking downward to the grass
the streams roll downward to the sea
2. : from a higher to a lower condition
revised his estimate downward
: toward misery, humility, disgrace, or ruin
fell from grace and went downward in life
3. : from a remote or earlier time : from an ancestor or predecessor : from one to another in a descending line
prophets from Elijah downward who preached repentance
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English dounward, from dounward, adverb
1. : moving or extending from a higher to a lower place : tending toward the earth or its center or toward a lower level
the downward pull of gravity
2. : descending from a head, origin, or source
a downward line of descent
the downward course of a stream
a. archaic : tending to a lower state : dejected
b. : directed toward or leading to ruin, destruction, or damnation
a man on the downward path
took her downward way
c. : debasing
the scripture contains many downward comparisons of man and his ways
4. archaic : being below : lower
• down·ward·ly adverb
• down·ward·ness noun -es