̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈnāshən noun
( -s )
Usage: often attributive
: the act, process, or an instance of eliminating or discharging: as
(1) : the act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances from the body
(2) eliminations plural : bodily discharges : urine, feces, and vomitus
b. : the act of making a quantity disappear from an equation ; especially : the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknowns a less number of equations containing a less number of unknowns
c. : the removal of logical terms or their symbols by combining or transforming logical equations
d. : the act or process of excluding from a match, tournament, or other contest the losers of any round or heat
elimination race
e. : the removal from a molecule of a simpler molecule in the form of atoms and groups that can combine
the elimination of water from ethyl alcohol in the form of hydrogen and hydroxyl produces ethylene
— compare addition 6
f. or elimination play : a process in bridge by which the declarer removes from his hand and dummy all cards of each suit that an opponent might safely lead so as to gain a trick when next an opponent leads — called also strip, strip play ; compare end play 2, throw-in