ˈjentlē, -li adverb
Etymology: Middle English gentilly, from gentil gentle + -ly — more at gentle
: in a gentle manner: as
(1) : nobly , honorably
hated women gently born — John Masefield
(2) : courteously , softly , elegantly
gently mannered family — G.B.Shaw
a gently spoken young man
(3) : in an atmosphere of elegance or refinement : with much attention to good manners or deportment
gently bred people who had never been forced to face much unpleasantness in the world — J.R.Chamberlain
public schools were not to be considered for a gently bred young girl — Maude Couch
(1) : quietly , gradually , slowly
the wind whistling gently
parkland that lifts gently toward rolling hills — Frederick Nebel
sway gently back and forth — Fred Zimmer
the slide in industrial production will continue gently — D.M.Keezer
the trout is gently boiled — Jane Nickerson
(2) : easy II
for the first two weeks I took things gently — Linguaphone Magazine
c. : with gentleness : mildly , tenderly
humorous and gently satiric verses — Encyc. Americana