ˈgrēvəs, chiefly in substand speech -vēəs adjective
Etymology: Middle English grevous, from Old French greveus, from gref grief + -eus -ous — more at grief
1. : weighing or falling heavily : burdensome , oppressive , onerous
the grievous cost of war
2. : causing, characterized by, or indicative of severe physical pain or suffering : hurtful , distressing , injurious
a grievous wound
grievous lamentation
often : intense , severe
grievous pain
3. : causing, characterized by, or indicative of great sorrow or severe emotional suffering
a grievous loss
broadly : extremely distressing or irritating
a grievous insult
a. : serious , deplorable
his most grievous fault
b. archaic : outrageously bad : atrocious , heinous
5. : expressing or full of grief, sorrow, or anguish
a grievous cry
Synonyms: see bitter