Meaning of GRIEVOUS in English

— grievously , adv. — grievousness , n.

/gree"veuhs/ , adj.

1. causing grief or great sorrow: grievous news.

2. flagrant; outrageous; atrocious: a grievous offense against morality.

3. full of or expressing grief; sorrowful: a grievous cry.

4. burdensome or oppressive.

5. causing great pain or suffering: arrested for causing grievous bodily harm to someone in a bar.

[ 1250-1300; ME grevous grevo ( u ) s. See GRIEVE, -OUS ]

Syn. 1. distressing, sad, sorrowful, painful. 2. deplorable, lamentable, calamitous, heinous, flagitious, dreadful, shameful, iniquitous.

Ant. 1. delightful.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .