I. adjective
or het·er·e·cious |hed.ə|rēshəs
Etymology: heter- + -oecious or -ecious (from Greek oikia house + English -ous ) — more at vicinity
: passing through the different stages in its life cycle on alternate and often unrelated hosts
heteroecious rusts
heteroecious insects
— contrasted with homoecious ; compare autoecious
• het·er·oe·cious·ly adverb
• het·er·oe·cious·ness noun -es
• het·er·oe·cism ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈrēˌsizəm noun -s
• het·er·oe·cy ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌrēsē noun -es
variant of heteroicous