I. ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective
Etymology: from the phrase high pressure
a. : having, involving, or operating at a high or comparatively high pressure
a high-pressure automobile tire
b. : having a high barometric pressure
a. : using or characterized by forceful methods of selling : aggressive , insistent
a high-pressure salesman
high-pressure blurbs about toothpaste — American Guide Series: New York
— compare low-pressure
b. : imposing or involving severe strain or tension
the … stresses of high-pressure occupations — Fortune
the high-pressure merry-go-round of big business administration — Current Biography
II. transitive verb
Etymology: from the phrase high pressure
: to urge to a course of action with insistent, importunate, or forceful arguments : overcome the resistance of by such methods
don't try to high-pressure me — Edwin Corle
beware of salesmen who seek to high-pressure you into precipitate purchases — Association of Better Business Bureaus
high-pressuring the elected representatives of the people — Karl Schriftgiesser