I. ˈhən noun
( -s )
Etymology: Late Latin Hunni, plural
1. capitalized : a member of a nomadic Mongolian people who were driven westward from Mongolia about A.D.200 and obtaining control of a large portion of central and eastern Europe under Attila about the middle of the 5th century forced even Rome to pay tribute until their power was terminated by their defeat at Châlons in 451 and the death of Attila in 453 — compare ephthalite
a. often capitalized : a person who is wantonly destructive : vandal
b. usually capitalized : german ; especially : a German soldier in World War I or World War II
the recoiling Hitlerites and Huns are redoubling their ruthless cruelties — Britannica Book of the Year
— usually used disparagingly
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: by shortening
usually capitalized : hungarian partridge
III. abbreviation