in pronunciations below | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷. |hī(ˌ)pō or -_pə prefix
or hyp-
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Late Latin hypo-, hyp- ) of Middle English ypo-, from Old French, from Late Latin hypo-, hyp-, from Greek, from hypo — more at up
1. : under : beneath : down
hypo blast
hypo dermic
2. : less than normal or normally
hypo calcemia
hypo chromia
hypo chlorhydric
hypo sensitive
3. : in a lower state of oxidation : in a low usually the lowest position in a series of compounds
hypo vanadous
hypo xanthine
a. in ancient Greek music
(1) : being the lower octave in a disdiapason
hypo lydian
(2) of an interval : measured downward
hypo diapason
b. in medieval music : being in a plagal mode
hypo dorian