hypo 1
/huy"poh/ , n. , pl. hypos , v. Informal
1. a hypodermic syringe or injection.
2. a stimulus or boost.
3. to administer a hypodermic injection to.
4. to stimulate by or as if by administering a hypodermic injection.
5. to increase, boost, or augment: to hypo the car's power by installing a bigger engine.
[ by shortening of HYPODERMIC; sense "stimulate" perh. by assoc. with HYPE 1 ; see -O ]
hypo 2
/huy"poh/ , n.
See sodium thiosulfate .
[ 1860-65; shortening of HYPOSULFITE ]
hypo 3
/huy"poh/ , n. Archaic.
[ by shortening ]