ˌintəˈgrāshən noun
( -s )
Etymology: Latin integration-, integratio act of renewing, act of restoring, from integratus (past participle of integrare to renew, integrate) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at integrate
1. : the act, process, or an instance of integrating : the condition of being formed into a whole by the addition or combination of parts or elements
a. : a combination and coordination of separate and diverse elements or units into a more complete or harmonious whole
the automobile is an integration of a multitude of machine parts — C.C.Furnas
large-scale integration of efforts — Oscar Handlin
b. : a unification and mutual adjustment of diverse groups or elements into a relatively coordinated and harmonious society or culture with a consistent body of normative standards
most urban communities possess some degree of integration around primary group norms — Kimball Young
the total integration of any given culture about its technology — David Bidney
c. : the organization of teaching matter to interrelate or unify subjects usually taught in separate academic courses or departments
through integration it is possible to teach science, health, and safety as part of the regular program — E.J.Goebel
d. : an arrangement usually on a hierarchical basis of functions or units of an organization to promote coordination and responsibility
the need for administrative integration at the county level — C.F.Snider
an integration of units previously scattered … in departments or otherwise — F.A.Ogg & P.O.Ray
e. : an incorporation into society or an organization (as a public school) on the basis of common and equal membership of individuals differing in some group characteristic (as race)
ordered integration of all white and Negro troops in the armed forces — New Republic
the native Polynesian group that strongly objects to integration with Europeans — New York Times
a positive integration of the African into the South African community — Margaret Ballinger
(1) : the coordination and correlation of the total processes of perception, interpretation, and reaction ensuring a normal effective life
failure of association and failure of integration take place among neurotic individuals — R.M.Dorcus & G.W.Shaffer
(2) : a harmonious coordination of the behavior and personality of an individual with his environment
she attempts to enter the world of her fellow teenagers, and after many mistakes she achieves such integration — Eleanor Scott
g. : the establishment of close cooperation among or some degree of unification of distinct entities (as countries or groups of countries) especially in a specific area (as trade or defense)
West European integration is the first condition for the survival of every country concerned — William Petersen
the … proposal for the economic integration of Europe into one single market — Current Biography
h. : the unified control of a number of successive or similar economic especially industrial processes formerly carried on independently
integration may result in important cost reductions
3. : the operation of finding a function of which the integrand is the derivative of a function or of solving a differential equation
4. : the sum of the processes by which the developing parts of an organism are formed into a functional and structural whole
at the molecular level of integration many studies are needed — Science