Meaning of IRISH in English

I. ˈīrish, -rēsh adjective

Usage: usually capitalized

Etymology: Middle English, from (assumed) Old English Īrisc, from Old English Īras Irishmen (of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish Ēriu Ireland) + -isc -ish

1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of Ireland or its inhabitants : produced in or native or peculiar to Ireland


a. : being or belonging to the Celtic speech of Ireland : irish-gaelic

b. obsolete : scottish-gaelic

II. noun

( -es ; see sense 1a )

1. capitalized

a. plural in construction : natives or inhabitants of Ireland or their immediate descendants especially when of Celtic speech or culture — compare celt , gael

b. obsolete : irishman , irishwoman

2. capitalized : the Irish language:

a. : the Irish branch of Goidelic : the Goidelic speech of the Celts in Ireland : irish gaelic — see middle irish , old irish ; indo-european languages table

b. obsolete : scottish gaelic

c. : English as spoken by the Irish with more or less dialect change and brogue

3. usually capitalized , obsolete : an old game resembling backgammon

4. usually capitalized

a. : irish linen

b. : irish whiskey

5. usually capitalized : temper , anger

don't get your Irish up over a little thing like that

6. usually capitalized : a tap-dance step consisting of a shuffle, hop, and step

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.