I. ˈiz]_rēəl also ˈis] or ](ˌ)rāəl or ]ˌrāl or ÷]_rə̇l sometimes ](ˌ)rāˌel or ](ˌ)räˌel or ]ˌrīˌel or ](ˌ)rȧˌel\ noun
( -s )
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek Israēl, from Hebrew Yiśrā'ēl, literally, let God contend, from sārāh to fight + ēl God
(1) : the ancient Hebrew people descended from the patriarch Jacob
(2) : the group of 10 Hebrew tribes anciently inhabiting the northern part of Palestine and constituting a kingdom independent of Judah
b. : the Jewish people of past and present
2. : a body of individuals (as members of the Jewish or Christian faiths) regarded by itself or others as the actual or spiritual chosen poeple of God : elect
II. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Israel, independent Jewish state in Palestine, from Hebrew Yiśrā'ēl
: israeli