I. pronunc at israel I+ˌīt; usu -īd.+V noun
( -s )
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin Israelita, Israelites, from Greek Israēlitēs, from Israēl Israel + -itēs -ite
(1) : a member of the ancient Hebrew people descended from the patriarch Jacob
(2) : a member of one of the 10 Hebrew tribes anciently inhabiting the northern part of Palestine — compare samaritan
b. : a member of the Jewish people of past or present : jew
2. : a member of a body of individuals regarded by itself or others as the actual or spiritual chosen people of God
II. adjective
also is·ra·el·it·ic | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷)|id.ik ; or is·ra·el·it·ish -īd.]ish, -īt], ]ēsh\
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: israelite (II) from israelite (I) ; israelitic from Late Latin israeliticus, from Israelita, Israelites + Latin -icus -ic; israelitish from israelite (I) + -ish
: of or relating to Israel
Israelite conquests in Canaan
Israelite prophets