I. |jakə|bēən also |jāk- sometimes jəˈkōb- adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: New Latin jacobaeus Jacobean (from Jacobus — James I — died 1625 king of England) + English -an
: of or relating to James I of England, his reign, or his times: as
a. : relating to or representing an early 17th century style of architecture that continued the Elizabethan style with freer use of the classical orders
b. : relating to or exemplifying an early 17th century style in furniture influenced by Renaissance models but somewhat simpler and lighter
c. : of, relating to, or typical of writers or literature of the early 17th century
Jacobean drama
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
: a Jacobean statesman or writer
III. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: New Latin jacobaeus Jacobean (from Late Latin Jacobus St. James — in the Bible, Gal 1:19, Jas 1:1, et al. — , from Greek Iakōbos, from Hebrew Ya'ăqōbh Jacob) + English -an
: of or relating to the New Testament Epistle of James or to its author