I. ˈkē noun
( -s )
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English key, kay, keye, from Old English cǣg, cǣge, cǣga; akin to Old Frisian kēi, kāi key, Middle Low German keie, keige spear, and perhaps to Old High German kīl wedge — more at chine
a. : an instrument usually of metal so designed that it may be inserted in a lock in order to operate the bolt or catch
b. : a tool with a shaft that fits into printers' quoins and is rotated to tighten or loosen them
c. : a small metal piece with a slot in one end used to roll up a strip of metal (as on a can of sardines) or to roll up the body of a collapsible metal tube (as a tube of toothpaste)
2. : something that affords or prevents entrance, possession, or control
a. : something that serves to reveal or solve a problem, difficulty, or mystery
the key to a riddle
b. : a simplified version that accompanies something as a clue to its explanation (as an outline map, a word-for-word translation, a book containing solutions to problems) ; specifically : a list of words or phrases giving the value of symbols (as a pronunciation alphabet)
c. : an arrangement of the salient characters of a group of plants or animals or of species or genera for the purpose of determining the names and taxonomic relationships of unidentified members of a group
d. : the matter used to key an advertisement
e. : a map legend
4. keys plural : spiritual authority in a Christian religion
power of the keys
specifically : the power or jurisdiction of the presidency in the Mormon Church
5. : a tool or device used to transfer, wind, or otherwise move usually in order to secure or tighten: as
(1) : cotter pin
(2) : cotter
b. : a keystone in an arch
c. : a wedge used to make a dovetail joint
d. : a wedge between two feathers to break a stone
e. : the last board laid in a floor
f. : a tapered block driven into a recess in a scarf joint between two timbers so as to draw them more firmly together
g. : a small wooden wedge that is forced into the dovetail joint at a corner of a stretcher frame of a painting in order to tighten the canvas
h. : a wedge used to split a tenon in a mortise or the upper end of a tool handle (as a hammer or ax) for the purpose of tightening
i. : any of the metal U-shaped devices used to secure the bands or cords in position in a bookbinder's sewing press
j. : a strip of wood inserted in a timber across the grain to prevent casting
k. : a small usually metal parallel-sided piece that is flat or tapered on top and that is used for securing a part (as a pulley, crank, or hub)
a. : one of the levers (as a digital or pedal) of a keyboard musical instrument that actuates the mechanism and produces the tones
b. : a lever by which a vent is opened or closed in the side of a woodwind instrument (as a clarinet or bassoon) or a valve or piston is controlled in a brass instrument (as a French horn or trumpet)
c. : a depressible digital that serves as one unit of a keyboard and that works usually by lever action to set in motion a character (as in a typewriter) or an escapement (as in some typesetting machines)
d. : keybutton
7. : samara
a. : a leading, prominent, or critical individual or principle
a key actor
the key features of a new car
b. : a component of a liquid mixture that is being separated by fractional distillation
the least volatile of these components is the heavy key and the most volatile is the light key — E.G.Scheibel
[translation of Medieval Latin clavis ]
a. obsolete : the lowest note or keynote of a scale
(1) : a system of seven tones based on their relationship to a keynote or tonic ; specifically : the tonality of a scale
(2) : the total harmonic and melodic relations of such a system
a. : characteristic style, tone, or intensity of thought, feeling, or action
b. : the tone or pitch of a voice
speaking in a plaintive key
c. : the pervading tone and intensity of color (as in a painting)
d. : the predominant tone of a photograph with respect to its lightness or darkness — compare high-key , low-key
11. : a decoration or charm resembling a key
(1) : plastering forced between laths to hold the rest in place
(2) : the hold that plaster has on a wall
(3) : the roughness of a wall that causes plaster to adhere to it
b. : a hollow in a brick or tile to hold mortar
c. : the rough surface on the wrong side of a veneer to hold the glue
a. : a metallic lever for rapidly and easily opening and closing the circuit of telegraphic-station equipment
b. : a small switch for opening or closing an electric circuit
14. : a projecting portion used to prevent movement at a construction joint (as of a floor, wall, pavement, footing, dam) into the adjacent section
15. or keymove ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ : the first move in the solution of a chess problem or combination
a. : the control of a cryptographic process (as a code book, grille, cipher alphabet, or set of alphabets)
b. : the enciphering or deciphering instructions for a cryptogram: as
(1) : the settings of a ciphering machine
(2) : the column sequence of a transposition
(3) : keying sequence
(4) : key word
(5) : key letter
(6) : an element in a keying sequence — see periodic key , period key , running key , specific key , vigene re cipher
17. : keyhole 4
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English keyen, from key, kay, keye, n.
transitive verb
1. : to lock with or as if with a key : fasten: as
a. : to secure by a key (as a hammerhead to a handle, a pulley on a shaft, plaster to lathing)
b. : to finish off (an arch) by inserting a keystone
c. : to expand and tighten (as a canvas stretcher on a painting) with keys
a. : to fix or determine the musical key of
b. : to regulate the musical pitch of
key the strings
c. : to control (a process) in cryptography
in keyed columnar transposition the column sequence is controlled by a key word
— compare keying sequence
3. : to apply color to (as a painting) in a particular key
4. : harmonize , attune
remarks keyed to a situation
5. : to transmit by means of a telegraph key
6. : to identify (a biological specimen) by means of a key
7. : to insert in (an advertisement) some direction or other matter intended to identify answers : apply a symbol to (an advertisement) by means of which identification is effected
8. : to produce or cause nervous tension in — used with up
keyed up over the prospect of an operation
9. : keyboard
intransitive verb
: to use a key: as
a. : to permit of identification by means of a key — often used with out
the specimen keys out to a genus of common starfish
b. : to operate a telegraph key
variant of quay
IV. noun
also kay like cay I
( -s )
Etymology: modification (influenced by key ) (III) of Spanish cayo, from Lucayo cayo
: a low island or reef ; specifically : one of the coral islets off the southern coast of Florida
V. verb
transitive verb
: to be essential to : play the most important part in
defense keyed the victory
intransitive verb
1. : to observe the position or movement of an opposing player in football in order to anticipate the play — usually used with on
the middle linebacker was keying on the halfback
2. : keyboard
VI. ˈkē noun
( -s )
Etymology: by shortening & alteration of kilo
slang : a kilogram especially of marijuana or heroin