-brēəm noun
( plural manu·bria -ēə ; also manu·briums )
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, handle, from manus hand
1. : a process or part shaped like a handle:
a. also manubrium ster·ni -ˈstərˌnī : the cephalic segment of the sternum of man and many other mammals which is a somewhat triangular flattened bone with whose anterolateral borders the clavicles articulate
b. : a median anterior process of the sternum of a bird
c. : the process of the malleus of the ear
d. : the process bearing the mouth of a hydrozoan : hypostome
e. : the base of the spring of an arthropod of the order Collembola
2. : a cylindrical cell that projects from the middle of the inner wall of each of the eight shields composing the wall of the antheridium of a stonewort and that ultimately bears the antheridial threads