-s(h)ēˌāt, usu -ād.+V verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Latin negotiatus, past participle of negotiari to carry on business, from negotium business, from neg- not (akin to ne- not) + otium leisure — more at no
intransitive verb
1. : to communicate or confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter : meet with another so as to arrive through discussion at some kind of agreement or compromise about something : come to terms especially in state matters by meetings and discussions
negotiated with him on the political and economic program to be carried out — Current Biography
wanted to negotiate before naming a final price
negotiating with the foreign ministers
2. obsolete : to carry on business or trade : traffic
transitive verb
a. : to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : manage , handle , conduct
negotiated his business deals with remarkable skill
(1) : to arrange for or bring about through conference and discussion : work out or arrive at or settle upon by meetings and agreements or compromises
negotiating a peace treaty
one of his first actions was to negotiate a monetary understanding with the British government — Current Biography
(2) : to influence successfully in a desired way by discussions and agreements or compromises
negotiated them into doing exactly what he wanted
a. : to transfer or assign (as a check, bill of exchange, promissory note) to another by delivery or endorsement or both in return for equivalent value
b. : to convert (as a check) into cash or the equivalent value
negotiating securities
c. : to give equivalent value for (as a check)
offered to negotiate any checks properly drawn up
a. : to successfully get over or across (as a road) or up or down (as a hill) or through (as an obstacle)
carefully negotiated the winding road
took me almost an hour to negotiate the almost perpendicular trail — V.W. Von Hagen
b. : to encounter and dispose of (as a problem, challenge) with completeness and satisfaction : tackle successfully
negotiated the difficult arpeggios of the song cleanly and confidently — Current Biography
c. : complete , accomplish
negotiates the trip in 4 hours