I. (ˈ) ̷ ̷+ adjective
: not partisan: as
a. : not affiliated with or committed to the support of a particular political party : politically independent
labor will continue playing its nonpartisan role of helping friends, opposing enemies — Sam Stavisky
b. : viewing matters or policies without party bias : objective , impartial
expected to be nonpartisan in foreign affairs — Norman Hill & Eugene Haugse
c. : held or organized with all party designations or emblems absent from the ballot
legislation to substitute nonpartisan for partisan election of judges — G.R.Winters
d. : composed, appointed, or elected without regard to the political party affiliations of members
a nonpartisan ticket
a nonpartisan board
a nonpartisan commission
• non·partisanship “+ noun
II. noun
: a person who is nonpartisan