I. “+ adjective
: not professional: as
a. : having no profession
the nonprofessional … wives of their male colleagues — H.M.Parshley
b. : not belonging to or trained in a particular profession
will not be read by very many nonprofessional citizens — B.F.Wright
c. : engaging in or practicing some craft or art without previous training or professional status : amateur
nonprofessional actors
• non·professionally “+ adverb
II. noun
: a person who is not a professional: as
a. : a person who does not belong to or possess training in a particular profession
a book is of great value if it can give the nonprofessional a clear, intelligible answer — Lise Meitner
b. : a person who engages in or practices some craft or art without previous training or professional status
build a cast of nonprofessionals around an established cast — Current Biography