-rə̇kəl, -rēk- adjective
Etymology: Latin numer us number + English -ical
a. : of or relating to numbers
numerical analyst
numerical superiority of the enemy
b. : denoting a number
letters of the alphabet were employed as numerical signs — William Chomsky
c. : expressed in figures rather than letters
spies … used a very simple numerical cipher, which changed every day — Alexander d'Agapeyeff
the numerical proportions of hybrid crosses — Lancelot Hogben
numerical equation
d. : designated by number
conscious of his numerical standing in every class — Harry Levin
e. : of or relating to ability to think in or work with numbers
numerical skill
the numerical factor of a test
— compare verbal
a. archaic : of a corresponding type : indistinguishable , same
many of these numerical postures … are found in statues of the ancients — John Bulwer
b. obsolete : identical
in a river we swim in the same place, though not in the same numerical water — Robert Burton
probably that very numerical book … kept in the temple — Thomas Fuller