|ō(ˌ)bōdəˈmōrē, ˌōbəˌwād- noun
( plural oboi d'amore ˌōbəˌwēd- ; or oboe d'amores -rˌēz)
Etymology: Italian, literally, oboe of love, probably translation of French hautbois d'amour
1. : a mezzo-soprano oboe having a pear-shaped bell and a rich somber tone
2. or oboe d'a·mour |ō(ˌ)bōdəˈmu̇(ə)r plural oboe d'a·mours -rz
[modification (influenced by oboe ) (I) of French hautbois d'amour ]
: a pipe-organ oboe stop having a veiled and pathetic tone