I. pə(r)ˈfekshən noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English perfeccioun, from Old French perfection, from Latin perfection-, perfectio, from perfectus (past participle of perficere to complete, perfect) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at perfect I
a. obsolete : the quality or state of being finished : completion , wholeness
b. : the condition of having reached full development : maturity , ripeness
Greek civilization, as it slowly flowered to perfection — Agnes Repplier
c. : an exemplification of supreme moral or physical excellence
her figure was perfection — Max Peacock
a. : freedom from fault or defect : correspondence with or approximation to an ideal concept : flawlessness
the diminutive perfection and wonder of leaf, berry, sand whorl — E.B.Garside
collection … noteworthy for its perfection of preparation and mounting — City Library Bulletin Springfield (Massachusetts)
postulated a progressive evolution in human history toward … perfection — Allen Johnson
specifically : saintliness
the grand aim of the Buddhist is to attain a perfection like Buddha's — A.M.Fairbairn
b. : an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence : culmination
difficult to find solitude to such perfection upon earth nowadays — Richard Semon
3. : the act or process of freeing from faults or drawbacks : improvement , refinement
worked toward the perfection of the fountain pen
charity will be the foremost virtue in the active perfection of a Christian — D.J.Unger
a. : skillful execution : complete mastery of technique : proficiency , virtuosity
perfection is what we strive for constantly in the ballet — Moira Shearer
ancient rock drawings of amazing perfection and complexity — Geographical Journal
b. archaic : a trait or skill acquired by education or practice : accomplishment
I am not master of any of those perfections — John Dryden
5. : triple time in mensural notation
Synonyms: see excellence
II. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
: perfect