pə(r)ˈmisiv, -sēv also -səv adjective
Etymology: French permissif, from Middle French, from Latin permissus (past participle of permittere to permit) + Middle French -if -ive
1. archaic : granted on sufferance : tolerated
with what permissive glory since his fall — John Milton
2. : granting permission : allowing freedom (as of choice, development, behavior) : tolerant , indulgent
a permissive environment
the permissive tendencies of the age — C.A.Tonsor
a cordial permissive pat — Marjorie Brace
permissive parents
3. : allowing discretion : optional
a permissive standard
— used often of legislation enacted by a higher body to be put into effect or not at the option of local authorities
direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive — V.O.Key
• per·mis·sive·ly -sə̇vlē, -li adverb
• per·mis·sive·ness -sēvnə̇s, -siv- noun -es