Meaning of QUESTIONNAIRE in English

I. noun

also ques·tion·aire |kwes(h)chə|na(a)](ə)r, -ne], ]ə\

( -s )

Etymology: French questionnaire, from questionner to question + -aire -ary — more at question

1. : a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from an individual

devise a special questionnaire on children's reading habits

a telephone questionnaire addressed to six authors — J.K.Hutchens

2. : a written or printed questionnaire often with spaces for answers

3. : a survey made by the use of a questionnaire

tabulate the results of a questionnaire

II. transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

: to send a questionnaire to or obtain information from by means of a questionnaire

has begun to questionnaire scientifically trained men — Textile World

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