Return the completed questionnaire , together with your cheque, and Roma will start planning your new kitchen.
This produced about 2,500 completed questionnaires .
Send your completed questionnaire to Hairflair Customer Service Survey.
The analysis and discussion are, therefore, based on the completed questionnaires of 139 research students.
Eighty three completed questionnaires were received.
Another lady who asked not to be named sent me her measurement sheet as well as the completed questionnaire .
In response to this survey, we received 150 completed questionnaires from 45 countries.
Those who agreed were given an envelope in which to seal their completed questionnaire before returning it to the member of staff.
Money is usually important. Postal questionnaires are cheap to administer, and can cover very large numbers of people.
Data was collected using a postal questionnaire sent to just over 3,000 people in two regions - Bristol and Manchester.
This research builds on an earlier survey based on a postal questionnaire by following up some of the respondents to the questionnaire.
With a postal questionnaire , it is important also to check that the layout is neither confusing nor encouraging any particular response.
Altogether 124 of 185 authorities completed our postal questionnaire during November and early December last year.
Non-response is liable to be more of a problem in the larger-sample surveys, particularly those using postal questionnaire methods.
Such questions are more often asked in the interview situation than in a postal questionnaire .
They also supplemented the personal interviews with over 500 postal questionnaires making a total of just over 600.
The second stage of the research includes a large scale questionnaire survey of a sample of local drivers.
The information will be obtained through questionnaire surveys of a sample of households in selected districts of the city.
It is based on a questionnaire survey carried out during September and October, 1984.
The necessary data will be collected by questionnaire survey .
Nine schools in three Midlands LEAs, will be identified for in-depth study, following a questionnaire survey .
Both these aspects are being tackled by means of a series of case studies and questionnaire surveys .
Second, a structured postal questionnaire survey was conducted addressing relevant public sector groups.
The Census Bureau began mailing test questionnaires starting in May 1995.
We administered standard questionnaires , did physical examinations, and took blood samples for lymphocyte subtyping.
Demographic information was collected by medical students administering a questionnaire .
Are people who volunteer to answer questionnaires in some way different from those who refuse?
The candidates were required to answer a ten-page questionnaire , followed by a daylong personal interview.
It would then have to find out whether people were any more truthful when answering commercial questionnaires than political ones.
This can be done by asking them to complete questionnaires for us or talk to us.
Similarly inconclusive are studies that have attempted to evaluate the managerialist hypothesis through surveys of management attitudes based on questionnaires .
This research builds on an earlier survey based on a postal questionnaire by following up some of the respondents to the questionnaire.
The analysis and discussion are, therefore, based on the completed questionnaires of 139 research students.
Primary data is most frequently collected by means of surveys, based on questionnaires or interviews.
It is based on a questionnaire survey carried out during September and October, 1984.
The survey was based on a postal questionnaire sent to a representative sample of 2,000 members of staff and 200 retired staff.
The early studies were wide angle studies of impressions of the Course, based around questionnaires and structured interviews.
The team member on duty who had completed the initial referral form was also responsible for completing the pre-coded questionnaire .
We shall of course send a report of the questionnaire results to every institution which completes the questionnaire for us.
Those unable to attend could complete a questionnaire in writing at home.
Subjects were asked to complete a simple questionnaire every time they experienced hypoglycaemia.
At each survey children are measured and parents are asked to complete a self administered questionnaire .
Some teachers said that they would have completed the questionnaire had they been asked to do so anonymously.
In the same nine practices general practitioners and non-medical staff agreed to complete questionnaires .
Four months later they filled in further questionnaires .
The residents filled out a questionnaire in 1984 about their habits, including how much green tea they drank.
On these occasions the audiences particularly enjoyed filling out questionnaires .
The doctors investigated their hunch by having 142 randomly selected patients fill out a questionnaire after they re-covered from their anesthesia.
Such people obviously can not be approached to fill in a questionnaire !
Please fill in the questionnaire and return it to any of us.
People must fill up their questionnaires conscientiously and honestly.
Thousands of you have kindly let us know much more about yourselves by filling in the questionnaire in our November issue.
The second stage of the research includes a large scale questionnaire survey of a sample of local drivers.
The research methodology will include the use of questionnaires to establish the range of pupils' perceptions.
Why does the researcher not include in the questionnaire a question about the person's favourite brand of cigarette?
The methods used will involve a combination of questionnaires , interviews, and judgements about traffic situations presented via interactive video.
The study, by the Family Matters Institute, involved questionnaires completed under supervision in 21 schools.
Each mailed the questionnaire to the institute that morning.
Are you using a sampling method for a mailed questionnaire ?
The status of patients is subsequently monitored by mailed questionnaires from our hospital's tumour registrar.
Describe the procedures for insuring a reasonably good sample return from a mailed questionnaire .
The Union-Tribune mailed questionnaires to every private school in San Diego County large enough to qualify for the voucher program.
The Census Bureau began mailing test questionnaires starting in May 1995.
You will receive a questionnaire which must be returned before May 15.
The panel members then receive regular questionnaires asking for their opinions of selected programmes over the past week.
In response to this survey, we received 150 completed questionnaires from 45 countries.
All 50 responded to a questionnaire inquiry and of these 20 were interviewed.
So will anybody who fails to return the questionnaire .
More than 40, 000 filled out and returned the questionnaires , an unprecedented response to a survey of that type.
Thanks to all of you who returned the Alumni Update questionnaires - even as I write, they are still coming in!
If I answer no I simply return the questionnaire without any clinical data.
All alumni who have returned a questionnaire indicating that they are teachers or careers advisers will receive an invitation.
Letter from the Chairman Very many thanks to all of you who returned the questionnaire .
We shall, of course, send a copy of our final report to all institutions that return us a completed questionnaire .
The questionnaire All piloting centres were sent a questionnaire in early October, as part of our initial feedback gathering exercise.
Libby Sartain, a vice president for Southwest Airlines, sends questionnaires to groups requesting speakers.
He sent out a questionnaire to solicit further opinions.
The federation drew its conclusions after sending a questionnaire to 3,300 of its members.
In addition, all centres were sent a questionnaire in early October, asking for their views.
It is usually better to send a witness a questionnaire for completion prior to the interview.
We sent a questionnaire requesting complete family history to each patient.
Data was collected using a postal questionnaire sent to just over 3,000 people in two regions - Bristol and Manchester.
They surveyed the staff concerned using a self-completion type questionnaire which was circulated in June 1978.
Getting Started Having decided to use an attitude questionnaire the following need to be considered - 1.
The traditional way of undertaking market research is through using questionnaires but there are difficulties in gathering information by this method.
We found a high level of assessment activity by community nursing staff using structured questionnaires .
Parents of cases and controls were interviewed by a trained nurse interviewer using a structured questionnaire .
A quarter of all Oxfordshire teachers claim to have developed and used a questionnaire on pupils.
Non-response is liable to be more of a problem in the larger-sample surveys, particularly those using postal questionnaire methods.
Of nearly 5,000 questionnaires that were sent out, only 428 were returned.
Please complete the questionnaire and return it in the envelope provided.
The questionnaire asks students how they feel about services on campus.
Data was collected using a postal questionnaire sent to just over 3,000 people in two regions - Bristol and Manchester.
Occasionally, a simple questionnaire may even be administered by telephone.
Please indicate your wishes on the questionnaire .
Send your completed questionnaire to Hairflair Customer Service Survey.
Subjects were asked to complete a simple questionnaire every time they experienced hypoglycaemia.
Thanks again for your very great help over the questionnaires.
The questionnaire All piloting centres were sent a questionnaire in early October, as part of our initial feedback gathering exercise.
With a postal questionnaire , it is important also to check that the layout is neither confusing nor encouraging any particular response.