I. |refə|rē, (ˈ)re|frē noun
( -s )
Etymology: refer + -ee
1. : one to whom a thing is referred: as
a. : a person to whom a matter (as a private bill) is referred by parliament to examine and report upon
(1) : a person originally in equity practice a master to whom a matter in dispute has been referred that he may settle it
(2) : an attorney at law appointed to act as an officer of the court in determining or reporting on an issue referred to him in a pending proceeding or suit with or without the consent of the parties — distinguished from arbitrator
(3) : a qualified person appointed by a judge in a juvenile or domestic relations case to investigate and report the facts and often to make recommendations
2. : an official in a sports contest usually having final authority for administering the game — compare umpire
3. Britain : reference 5a
II. verb
( refereed ; refereed ; refereeing ; referees )
transitive verb
1. : to administer (as a match, a game) as referee
2. : to arbitrate (a dispute) as a judge or third party
intransitive verb
: to act as referee
the teacher … refereeing in the rain on Saturday morning — Scots Magazine
III. noun
: a person who reviews a paper and especially a technical paper to determine suitability for publication
IV. transitive verb
: to review (as a technical paper) before publication