I. (ˈ)rē.|trās transitive verb
Etymology: French retracer, from Middle French retracier, from re- + tracier to trace — more at trace
: to trace again or back: as
a. : to trace the origin or early history of by going back over previous steps
retrace one's family line
b. : to go over again with the eyes : reinspect closely
c. : to go over again in memory : recall
d. : to go back upon (as one's steps) : go over again usually in a reverse direction
decided to retrace his course
e. : to trace over again or renew the outline of
retrace a drawing
retrace letters
II. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷, ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun
: the return of the electron beam to the starting point in a cathode ray tube after completion of all or a part of the scanning process : flyback