I. ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective
Etymology: Middle English right handed, from right hand + -ed
1. : having the right hand more apt or usable than the left : preferring the right hand
a right-handed pitcher
a. : of, belonging to, or designed for the right hand
a right-handed glove
a right-handed implement
b. : done or made with or as if with the right hand
a right-handed stroke
a right-handed blow
3. : having the same direction or course as the movement of the hands of a watch viewed from in front : clockwise — used of a twist, rotary motion, or spiral curve as viewed from a given direction with respect to the axis of rotation
a right-handed propeller
4. : dextrally spiral
most univalve shells are right-handed
5. of a rope : rightlaid
6. : right-hand
right-handed door
a. : having a crystal structure that has a mirror-image relationship to another enantiomorphous structure regarded as left-handed in which the same compound can crystallize
right-handed quartz
b. : having crystal faces that result from and may be used to characterize such a structure
c. : dextrorotatory
• right-handed·ly adverb
• right-handed·ness noun
II. adverb
: with the right hand : in a right-handed manner
throws and bats right-handed