I. adjective
also saec·u·lar ˈsekyələ(r)
Etymology: Middle English, alteration influenced by Late Latin saecularis ) of seculer, from Old French, from Late Latin, saecularis secular, worldly, pagan, from Latin, coming or observed once in an age, from saeculum breed, generation, age + -aris -ar; akin to Welsh hoedl lifetime, Lithuanian sėkla seed, Latin serere to sow — more at sow
a. : of or relating to the worldly or temporal as distinguished from the spiritual or eternal : not sacred : mundane
secular affairs
secular occupations
b. : not overtly or specifically religious
secular rites
secular music
secular drama
c. : of or relating to the state as distinguished from the church : civil
secular courts
secular jurisdiction
the champion of the secular power — A.J.Toynbee
d. : of or relating to the laity as distinguished from the clergy : nonclerical , lay
the secular landowners
secular benefactors
e. : not formally related to or controlled by a religious body
the greater number of secular than denominational schools in the country
f. : rationally organized around impersonal and utilitarian values and patterns and receptive to new traits
our modern industrialized secular society
— contrasted with sacred
g. : of, relating to, or advocating secularism : secularist
an enlightened secular humanism — H.N.Fairchild
the disenchantment of absolute faiths which expresses itself in the secular outlook of modern man — Louis Wirth
a. : living in the world : not living in a monastery or religious community : not bound by monastic vows or rules
a secular priest
the secular clergy
— opposed to regular ; compare monk 1
b. : of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows
secular vestments
[Latin saecularis ]
a. : coming or observed once in an age or a century
secular phenomena
b. : existing or continuing through ages or centuries : agelong , centuried , diuturnal
secular oaks
secular enmities
c. : of or relating to a long-enduring process
secular change
regions of the earth's surface where … slow secular movements of the crust are still in progress — Endeavour
d. : taking place within a century
secular fluctuation
the secular variation in an astronomical position
e. : requiring or taking ages (as for operation or completion)
secular forces
the improvement of man is secular — John Tyndall
f. : of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration
the secular trend of prices
a secular increase in the quantity of money is required in a growing economy — Milton Friedman
— compare cyclical 2
g. : recurring at intervals greater than one year
secular cycles in population pressure
Synonyms: see profane
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English seculer, from Old French, from seculer, adjective
1. : a secular ecclesiastic (as a parish priest)
2. : layman