Meaning of SLUR in English

I. R ˈslər, + vowel -lər.; - R -lə̄, + suffixal vowel -lər. also -lə̄r, + vowel in a following word -lər. or -lə̄ also -lə̄r verb

( slurred ; slurred ; slurring ; slurs )

Etymology: probably of Low German origin; akin to Low German slurrn to shuffle, drag the feet, Middle Low German slūren to drag, trail — more at slur (to soil)

transitive verb

1. obsolete : to slide (a die) so as to cheat : trick


a. : to slide or slip over without due mention, consideration, or emphasis : treat superficially or dissemblingly — often used with over

the problem of the illegitimate child … is slurred over — C.W.Cunnington

slur over certain facts in one's argument

slurring over the significance of the letter — Times Literary Supplement

b. : to perform (as a duty) hurriedly : skimp

let him not slur his lesson — R.W.Emerson

wherefore slur the … ceremony — Alfred Tennyson


a. : to perform (two or more successive musical tones of different pitch) in a smooth or connected manner

b. : to mark (notes) with a slur

4. : to reduce, make a substitution for, or omit (a sound or succession of sounds that occurs or that would occur in speech regarded as exemplary) : make such reduction, substitution, or omission in one's utterance of (as a word or phrase)

intransitive verb

1. dialect chiefly England : slip , slide

slur on ice

2. : drag , shuffle

slurring through ankle-deep water — W.E.M.Campbell

II. noun

( -s )

1. obsolete

a. : a glide in dancing

b. : a sliding of dice in an attempt to cheat


a. : a curved line ◠ or ◡ connecting musical notes that are to be sung to the same syllable or performed without a break (as with one stroke of a bow) — called also bind ; compare tie

b. : the combination of two or more slurred tones

3. : a slurring manner of speech

4. or slur cam or slur cock : a device for depressing the sinkers in knitting machines successively by passing over them

III. verb

( slurred ; slurred ; slurring ; slurs )

Etymology: obsolete English dialect slur thin watery mud, from Middle English sloor; akin to Middle High German slier mud, Middle Low German slūren to drag, trail, Middle Dutch sluren to drag, trail, Norwegian dialect slura to hang loose, drag, Lithuanian slugti to diminish, become small and probably to Gothic slawan to be silent; basic meaning: to hang loose, be slack

transitive verb

1. dialect chiefly England : to soil by smearing : besmirch , sully

2. : to cast aspersions upon : run down : disparage

was always slurring her fellow workers

slurred his integrity — Marguerite A. Brown

3. : to make indistinct : obscure , mask

with periods, points, and tropes he slurs his crimes — John Dryden

4. : blur 1

intransitive verb

: to slip so as to blur or make slurs — used of a sheet being printed

IV. noun

( -s )


a. : an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : aspersion , calumny

his election was due to … last minute racial slurs on his opponent — William Cox

the cowardly slurs of scandalmongers

b. : stain , blot , stigma

his actions cast a slur on his profession

2. : a blurred or doubled spot or area in printed matter caused by the sliding of the paper on the printing surface at the moment of impression : mackle , smudge

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.