Meaning of SPADE in English

I. ˈspād noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English spadu, spædu; akin to Old Frisian spada spade, Old Saxon spado, Middle High German spat, spate, Icelandic spathi spade, Greek spathē blade, Hittite išpatar spit, Old High German spān chip of wood — more at spoon


a. : an implement for turning soil resembling a shovel, adapted for being pushed into the ground with the foot and having a heavy, usually flat and oblong blade


(1) : the depth a spade reaches in digging

ditches two spades deep

(2) : the total length of a spade

2. : any of several spade-shaped instruments: as

a. : a cutting instrument used in flensing a whale

b. : a spade-shaped prong on the underside of the trail of a gun carriage that is embedded in the ground to check recoil of the carriage

c. : a long-handled tool similar in appearance to a garden spade used for compacting and smoothing vertical surfaces of freshly-placed concrete in forms

3. : the horny formation on the heel of the spadefoot toad

II. verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

transitive verb


a. : to dig up or out with a spade : pare off with a spade

spade a garden

spade a trench

b. : to place or cover with a spade

spade plants in

spade fertilizer under

2. : to compact and smooth (a vertical surface of freshly placed concrete) by operating a spade up and down between the form and the concrete

intransitive verb

: to use a spade

Synonyms: see dig

III. noun

( -s )

Etymology: origin unknown

: a three-year old stag

IV. noun

( -s )

Etymology: Italian spada or Spanish espada sword (used as a mark on playing cards), both from Latin spatha spatula, broad sword, from Greek spathē blade — more at spade I


a. : a usually black figure ♠ impressed on each card of one of the four suits of a pack of playing cards

b. : a card marked with this figure

c. spades plural : the suit of cards marked with this figure

he was strong in spades

d. : an odd trick in bridge won or contracted for with spades as trumps

I bid one spade

four spades bid and made

e. spades plural : the winning of the majority of the spades in casino ; also : the score of one point for this

2. slang : negro ; especially : a dark-skinned Negro — usually taken to be offensive

- in spades

V. transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: by folk etymology from spay

chiefly dialect : spay

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.