I. transitive verb
a. : to turn or roll from one side to the other : invert
turn a stone over
b. : to turn from an upright position : overturn , upset
a big wave turned the boat over
2. : to reverse the layers of (as soil)
3. : to search (as papers) by lifting or moving one by one
turn over clothes
turning over old letters
4. : to think over : meditate on
turning the advice over in his mind
5. : to read or examine (as a book) while turning the pages
idly turning over a magazine
6. : to hand over : deliver , transfer
funds thus collected are turned over to union officials — H.M.Diamond
turn over a regiment to a new commander
a. : to receive and dispose of (a stock of merchandise)
turn over its inventory 18 times a year — Time
b. : to handle in business : do business to the amount of
wrote home … that he was turning over a hundred pounds a week — H.V.Morton
8. : to transfer (as a word) from the end of one line to the beginning of the next line or from the foot of one column or page to the head of the next
intransitive verb
1. : to tip or roll over : upset , capsize , overturn
2. : rotate
engine turning over at 6000 revolutions per minute
a. of one's stomach : to heave with nausea
b. of one's heart : to seem to leap or lurch convulsively
II. transitive verb
: to cause (an internal-combustion engine) to begin firing