— absentation /ab'seuhn tay"sheuhn/ , n. — absenter , n. — absentness , n.
adj., prep. /ab"seuhnt/ ; v. /ab sent", ab"seuhnt/ , adj.
1. not in a certain place at a given time; away, missing (opposed to present ): absent from class.
2. lacking; nonexistent: Revenge is absent from his mind.
3. not attentive; preoccupied; absent-minded: an absent look on his face.
4. to take or keep (oneself) away: to absent oneself from a meeting.
5. in the absence of; without: Absent some catastrophe, stock-market prices should soon improve.
[ 1350-1400; ME absent- (s. of absens, prp. of abesse to be away ( ab- AB- + -s- be (see IS) + -ent- -ENT)) ]
Syn. 1. out, off.
Ant. 1. present.