/ad mish"euhn/ , n.
1. the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted by permission, by provision or existence of pecuniary means, or by the removal of obstacles: the admission of aliens into a country.
2. right or permission to enter: granting admission to the rare books room.
3. the price paid for entrance, as to a theater or ball park.
4. an act or condition of being received or accepted in a position, profession, occupation, or office; appointment: admission to the bar.
5. confession of a charge, an error, or a crime; acknowledgment: His admission of the theft solved the mystery.
6. an acknowledgment of the truth of something.
7. a point or statement admitted; concession.
[ 1400-50; late ME admission- (s. of admissio ), equiv. to admiss-, var. s. of admittere to ADMIT + -ion- -ION ]
Syn. 1. See entrance 1 . 2. access.