Meaning of ALIKE in English

— alikeness , n.

/euh luyk"/ , adv.

1. in the same manner or form; similarly: They treated all customers alike.

2. to the same degree; equally: All three were guilty alike.


3. having resemblance or similarity; having or showing no marked or important difference: He thinks all politicians are alike.

[ bef. 950; ME alyke alikr, c. OE onlic, OHG analih; r. ME ilich, OE gelic, c. OS gilik, OHG gilih (G gleich ), Goth galeiks, ON ( g ) likr; see LIKE 1 ]

Syn. 3. similar, akin.

Ant. 1. differently.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .