— assister; Chiefly Law, assistor , n. — assistive , adj.
/euh sist"/ , v.t.
1. to give support or aid to; help: Please assist him in moving the furniture.
2. to be associated with as an assistant or helper.
3. to give aid or help.
4. to be present, as at a meeting or ceremony.
5. Sports.
a. Baseball. a play that helps to put out a batter or base runner.
b. Basketball , Ice Hockey. a play that helps a teammate in gaining a goal.
c. the official credit scored for such plays.
6. a helpful act: She finished her homework without an assist from her father.
7. Mach. an electrical, hydraulic, or mechanical means of increasing power, efficiency, or ease of use: a luxury automobile equipped with assists for brakes, steering, windows, and seat adjustment.
[ 1505-15; assistere to stand by, help, equiv. to as- AS- + sistere to (cause to) stand ( si- reduplicative prefix + -ste- (var. of sta- STAND) + -re inf. suffix) ]
Syn. 1. sustain, abet, befriend; back, promote. See help .
Ant. 1. hinder, frustrate.