buzzard 1
— buzzardlike , adj. — buzzardly , adj. , adv.
/buz"euhrd/ , n.
1. any of several broad-winged, soaring hawks of the genus Buteo and allied genera, esp. B. buteo, of Europe.
2. any of several New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, esp. the turkey vulture.
3. Slang. a contemptible or cantankerous person (often prec. by old ): That old buzzard has lived in the same shack for twenty years.
4. Obs. senseless; stupid.
[ 1250-1300; ME busard buisard, equiv. to buis ( on ) buzzard ( buteon-, s. of buteo kind of hawk) + -ard -ARD ]
buzzard 2
/buz"euhrd/ , n. Brit. Dial.
any of various nocturnal buzzing insects, as cockchafers.
[ 1645-55; BUZZ 1 + -ARD ]