buzz 1
— buzzingly , adv.
/buz/ , n.
1. a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking.
2. a rumor or report.
3. Informal. a phone call: When I find out, I'll give you a buzz.
4. Slang.
a. a feeling of intense enthusiasm, excitement, or exhilaration: I got a terrific buzz from those Pacific sunsets.
b. a feeling of slight intoxication.
5. have or get a buzz on , Slang. to be slightly intoxicated: After a few beers they all had a buzz on.
6. to make a low, vibrating, humming sound.
7. to speak or murmur with such a sound.
8. to be filled with the sound of buzzing or whispering: The room buzzed.
9. to whisper; gossip: Everyone is buzzing about the scandal.
10. to move busily from place to place.
11. Slang. to go; leave (usually fol. by off or along ): I'll buzz along now. Tell him to buzz off and leave me alone.
12. to make a buzzing sound with: The fly buzzed its wings.
13. to tell or spread (a rumor, gossip, etc.) secretively.
14. to signal or summon with a buzzer: He buzzed his secretary.
15. Informal. to make a phone call to.
16. Aeron.
a. to fly a plane very low over: to buzz a field.
b. to signal or greet (someone) by flying a plane low and slowing the motor spasmodically.
[ 1350-1400; ME busse; imit. ]
buzz 2
/buz/ , n. Slang.
a man's very short haircut; crew cut.
[ orig. uncert. ]