transcription, транскрипция: [ ̈ɪbʌz ]
n. & v. --n. 1 the hum of a bee etc. 2 the sound of a buzzer. 3 a a confused low sound as of people talking; a murmur. b a stir; hurried activity (a buzz of excitement). c colloq. a rumour. 4 sl. a telephone call. 5 sl. a thrill; a euphoric sensation. --v. 1 intr. make a humming sound. 2 a tr. & intr. signal or signal to with a buzzer. b tr. telephone. 3 intr. a (often foll. by about) move or hover busily. b (of a place) have an air of excitement or purposeful activity. 4 tr. colloq. throw hard. 5 tr. Aeron. colloq. fly fast and very close to (another aircraft). øbuzz off sl. go or hurry away. buzz-saw US a circular saw. buzz-word sl. 1 a fashionable piece of esp. technical or computer jargon. 2 a catchword; a slogan. [imit.]