/kam"beuhl, kam"euhl/ , n.
1. Alexander , 1788-1866, U.S. religious leader, born in Ireland: cofounder with his father, Thomas, of the Disciples of Christ Church.
2. Colen /kol"euhn, koh"leuhn/ or Colin , died 1729, Scottish architect and author.
3. Colin ( Baron Clyde ), 1792-1863, Scottish general.
4. Sir John , 1779-1861, English jurist and writer: Lord Chancellor of England 1859-61.
5. Joseph , 1904-87, U.S. mythologist.
6. Sir Malcolm , 1885-1948, English automobile and speedboat racer.
7. Mrs. Patrick ( Beatrice Stella Tanner ), 1865-1940, English actress.
8. Thomas , 1763-1854, Irish religious leader, in the U.S. after 1807: cofounder with his son, Alexander, of the Disciples of Christ Church.
9. Thomas , 1777-1844, Scottish poet and editor.
10. a city in W California. 27,067.
11. a city in NE Ohio. 11,619.