/krayz/ , v. , crazed, crazing , n.
1. to derange or impair the mind of; make insane: He was crazed by jealousy.
2. to make small cracks on the surface of (a ceramic glaze, paint, or the like); crackle.
3. Brit. Dial. to crack.
4. Archaic. to weaken; impair: to craze one's health.
5. Obs. to break; shatter.
6. to become insane; go mad.
7. to become minutely cracked, as a ceramic glaze; crackle.
8. Metall.
a. (of a case-hardened object) to develop reticulated surface markings; worm.
b. (of an ingot) to develop an alligator skin as a result of being teemed into an old and worn mold.
9. Archaic. to fall to pieces; break.
10. a popular or widespread fad, fashion, etc.; mania: the newest dance craze.
11. insanity; an insane condition.
12. a minute crack or pattern of cracks in the glaze of a ceramic object.
13. Obs. flaw; defect.
[ 1325-75; ME crasen to crush krasa to shatter, crush ]
Syn. 10. vogue, mode.