/kus"teuh dee/ , n. , pl. custodies .
1. keeping; guardianship; care.
2. the keeping or charge of officers of the law: The car was held in the custody of the police.
3. imprisonment; legal restraint: He was taken into custody.
4. Also called child custody . Law. the right of determining the residence, protection, care, and education of a minor child or children, esp. in a divorce or separation. Cf. joint custody, sole custody .
[ 1400-50; late ME custodye custodia a watching, watchman, equiv. to custod- (s. of custos ) keeper + -ia -Y 3 ]
Syn. 1. safekeeping, charge, watch. CUSTODY, KEEPING, POSSESSION imply a guardianship or care for something. CUSTODY denotes a strict keeping, as by a formally authorized and responsible guardian or keeper: in the custody of the sheriff. KEEPING denotes having in one's care or charge, as for guarding or preservation: I left the package in my mother's keeping. POSSESSION means holding, ownership, or mastery: Leave it in possession of its owner.