/el'euh vay"sheuhn/ , n.
1. the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises: The elevation of the tower is 80 feet.
2. the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level.
3. an elevated place, thing, or part; an eminence.
4. loftiness; grandeur or dignity; nobleness: elevation of mind.
5. the act of elevating.
6. the state of being elevated.
7. Archit. a drawing or design that represents an object or structure as being projected geometrically on a vertical plane parallel to one of its sides.
8. Survey.
a. Also called angle of elevation . the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object above the observer or instrument and a horizontal line.
b. the distance above a datum level.
9. the ability of a dancer to stay in the air while executing a step or the height thus attained.
10. the Elevation , Rom. Cath. Ch. the lifting by the celebrant of the Eucharistic elements immediately after consecration, for adoration by the communicants.
[ 1350-1400; ME elevation- (s. of elevatio ), equiv. to elevat ( us ) (see ELEVATE) + -ion- -ION ]
Syn. 1. See height. 3. height; hill; mountain; plateau. 4. exaltation, nobility.
Ant. 1. depth.