— evilly , adv. — evilness , n.
/ee"veuhl/ , adj.
1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
2. harmful; injurious: evil laws.
3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
5. marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.
6. the evil one , the devil; Satan.
7. that which is evil; evil quality, intention, or conduct: to choose the lesser of two evils.
8. the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.
9. the wicked or immoral part of someone or something: The evil in his nature has destroyed the good.
10. harm; mischief; misfortune: to wish one evil.
11. anything causing injury or harm: Tobacco is considered by some to be an evil.
12. a harmful aspect, effect, or consequence: the evils of alcohol.
13. a disease, as king's evil.
14. in an evil manner; badly; ill: It went evil with him.
[ bef. 900; ME evel, evil, OE yfel; c. Goth ubils, OHG ubil, G übel, OFris, MD evel ]
Syn. 1. sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. See bad 1 . 2. pernicious, destructive. 7. wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 10. disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.
Ant. 1. righteous.