flaw 1
— flawless , adj. — flawlessly , adv. — flawlessness , n.
/flaw/ , n.
1. a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault: beauty without flaw; the flaws in our plan.
2. a defect impairing legal soundness or validity.
3. a crack, break, breach, or rent.
4. to produce a flaw in.
5. to contract a flaw; become cracked or defective.
[ 1275-1325; ME flaw ( e ), flage, perh. flaga sliver, flake ]
Syn. 1. imperfection, blot, spot. See defect. 3. fissure, rift.
flaw 2
— flawy , adj.
/flaw/ , n.
1. Also called windflaw . a sudden, usually brief windstorm or gust of wind.
2. a short spell of rough weather.
3. Obs. a burst of feeling, fury, etc.
[ 1475-85; flaga attack, squall ]