/fol"oh euhr/ , n.
1. a person or thing that follows.
2. a person who follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief; disciple or adherent.
3. a person who imitates, copies, or takes as a model or ideal: He was little more than a follower of current modes.
4. an attendant, servant, or retainer.
5. Brit. Informal. a boyfriend or suitor, esp. of a maidservant.
6. Mach. a part receiving motion from or following the movements of another part, esp. a cam.
7. Engin. , Building Trades. a concrete form attached to the head of a timber pile to permit casting of a concrete cap or pier.
[ bef. 900; ME folwer, OE folgere. See FOLLOW, -ER 1 ]
Syn. 2. supporter. FOLLOWER, ADHERENT, PARTISAN refer to someone who demonstrates allegiance to a person, a doctrine, a cause, and the like. FOLLOWER often has an implication of personal relationship or of slavish acquiescence. ADHERENT, a more formal word, has implications of active championship of a person or a point of view. PARTISAN, ordinarily meaning a person prejudiced and unreasoning in adherence to a party, during World War II took on the meaning of a member of certain groups in occupied countries of Europe who carried on underground resistance to the Nazis.
Ant. 2. opponent, adversary, enemy, foe.