fond 1
/fond/ , adj., fonder, fondest .
1. having a liking or affection for (usually fol. by of ): to be fond of animals.
2. loving; affectionate: to give someone a fond look.
3. excessively tender or overindulgent; doting: a fond parent.
4. cherished with strong or unreasoning feeling: to nourish fond hopes of becoming president.
5. Archaic. foolish or silly.
6. Archaic. foolishly credulous or trusting.
[ 1300-50; ME fond, fonned (ptp. of fonnen to be foolish, orig., to lose flavor, sour) ]
Syn. 2. cherishing. 5. infatuated. 6. gullible.
fond 2
/fond/ ; Fr. /fawonn/ , n. , pl. fonds /fondz/ ; Fr. /fawonn/ .
1. a background or groundwork, esp. of lace.
2. Obs. fund; stock.
[ 1655-65; ]